

展出日期:2011/7/7 - 8/4
開幕演出:十三月戲劇場 - 密謀者
        時間:7/8(), 19:00
        地點:女藝會WAA  台北市北投區石牌自强街616


the Solo Art Show of Vivian Wenhuey Chen-
The Epic of the Second Sex
Date: 070711 to 080411
Opening: The Conspiracy
by The 13th Month Theatre Group
@7/8(F), 19:00
Location: WAAhouse   No. 6, Lane 61, Zi Qiang Street, Shi Pai, Beitou District, Taipei
The Title is from Simone de Beauvoir’s book exploring women’s status as the secondary sex, inferior to that of men. The first part of this series of artworks, the Epic of Women, describes women’s historical situation from being equal with men, able to roam the earth freely, to becoming the property of men, forced to accept children and house chores as her complete universe, to finally being able to uphold a half of the sky, to now aspires to go beyond any restrictions. 
The second part of this series, The Small Happiness,  from the traditional, outdated term when a girl was born, tries to capture the various emotional states of women, such as ecstasy, joy of pregnancy, bravery, mysteriousness, upbeats and etc.
These works consist of oil, collage and other mixed media on linen or canvas.